Wednesday, August 9, 2017

How to get motivated for exercise

1. Wash your hair only on days you work out.
Real life, I only allow myself to wash my hair after working out. So if I don’t for a couple days… I have to face the ridicule of my peers haha. Or my hair gets too tangled from all the baby powder.

2. Put on your workout clothes.
When I can't be bothered I usually just go and put on my running stuff anyway. You feel like a dick pretty quickly if you change out of running stuff without actually going running.  Jemma Beedie, via Facebook

3. Write down how you feel after every workout.
I write down how I feel after a workout every single time. So, when I am low on motivation to wake up and go for a run or a workout, I pull out the doc and read how great I felt after completing a five-miler. This really works for me because I get out of the bed knowing that at the end of the workout, I feel the same amazing feeling again!

4. Remember why you started.
I remember all those times I tried clothes on and they didn't look good because of the extra weight, or the times I wanted to wear shorts and weren't brave enough. That always gets my ass moving   it's not about keeping the motivation, it's about remembering why you started in the first place, and asking if you really want to start all over again because you couldn't be bothered.

5. Ask yourself: "Will I regret skipping this workout?"
I ask myself if I will regret in any way not working out. And once I'm there [I ask myself] if I'd regret, even in the smallest way, stopping when it gets hard.

6. Sign up for classes at boutique studios.
Honestly, instead of joining a gym I just pay per exercise class at boutique fitness studios. It seems more expensive in the long run, but the only time I miss a class I sign up for is when I have zero choice since skipping has an actual dollar amount attached. Plus the class structure guarantees not only that I show up, but that I stick it out for the full 45 minutes. Nobody wants to be THAT person who walks out early or the person who's slacking. It may not be the most cost-effective, but it gets me to actually work out and that's what is most important to me!

7. Try group fitness.
Group fitness classes keep me motivated. I look forward to seeing the other participants and instructor. The energy of the group keeps me going in the moments that I want to quit. I feel like I'm accountable to keep at it for the full time. You never want to be the person who quits and leaves early. I do so much more than I would if I were working out on my own.

8. Get addicted to the post-exercise endorphin rush.
My motivation is the knowledge that I will have an awesome endorphin rush afterward and run around, smiling like an idiot for a few hours. I am seriously addicted.

9. Pretend there's a crowd and it's going wild.
Sometimes when a workout gets tough and I want to quit I imagine that I’m a professional athlete and that an audience is watching me expecting me to give it my all. It’s embarrassing but it does work to motivate me.

10. Surround yourself with motivation
I hang up motivational pictures on my mirrors, like Kendall Jenner or just good sayings. I also have my goal weight written everywhere   car mirror, refrigerator, calendar, etc.   so it’s a constant reminder to work toward that number.

How to get motivated for exercise

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