Saturday, April 7, 2018

5 Weight Loss Tips For Lazy People That Will Help You Lose A Ton Of Weight

Fat loss isn't rocket science. It has been made into a billion dollar market (mostly shoved with bogus products) because of the desperation of people to lose weight over-night. Let me make it very clear to you- the fact is that you took time to get and you will certainly take time to shed it. Here's are 5 tips that will even help the laziest of you to lose weight.

5 Weight Loss Tips For Lazy People

1) Note Down What You're Eating

Before you blindly blame your hormones and metabolism, calculate the food you are eating. Logging your food intake is a great a way to look at your diet objectively. Only when you know what is broken, you can fix it. A 7-day food log will tell you about your average caloric intake and the nutritional deficiencies in your diet. Start by reducing the caloric consumption 200-400 per day and then move towards optimizing your macro & micro nutrient intake.

2) Increase Your Protein Intake

Majority of the Indian population is protein deficient. Out of all macronutrients protein has the highest thermic effect. Studies have shown that even a very high caloric intake by excess protein intake don't lead to a lot of weight gain. Also, protein intake is crucial for the repair and building of muscle tissues. It's a myth that only athletic individuals need a protein rich diet. In fact, older individuals actually need it more. Aim to get in at least 1.5 x bodyweight (in Kg) grams of protein, per day! If you're vegetarian struggling to find protein rich foods. You can check out this list. 

3) Pick Up Any Physical Activity You Enjoy. 

I'm not one of those who preach that “diet is 90% & training is only 10%”. I would rather say that diet is the foundation and training sessions are the pillars. For the construction of a healthy building (your body) both are equally important. If you want to drop fat, there's no way that you can do it without moving your ass. Being a strength coach I'm always biased towards weight training, nonetheless it has the most profound effect on enhancing body composition and joint health. But for some reason if you don't like lifting weights pick up a sport, dance classes, zumba etc. Anything that gets you moving will do the job here!

4) Don't Do Extreme Dieting

If you have a lot of weight to lose, it will take a lot of time (harsh reality no one likes to tell you). You didn't gain all that weight in 3 weeks, hence you're not losing it in 3 weeks. If you start with an extreme diet like the awful GM diet, Keto diet, boiled food diet etc you might lose a decent amount of weight in the initial weeks but I doubt anyone can continue it for a course of 3-6 months. People who do succeed in dieting for so long, gain a lot of what they lost in just a few days. The solution is really simple and not so fancy- do a diet which is feasible for you. Add some foods which you like, restrict your caloric intake, fix the nutrition deficiencies. 

5) Move Around More And Increase Your NEAT

Whenever you move your body apart from exercising you still burn some calories. Like taking your dog for a walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking to the nearby market and yes, humping your girl counts too. The calories you burn in these movements come under Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. It contributes to 30-35% of your total energy expenditure far more than your Exercise Energy Expenditure (Calories you burn during exercise/sports). To put it out simply start moving around more and burn more calories. If you're attending a call take a walk around your office or home, take stairs more often, get off the chair and walk for 2 or 3 mins in every 1 hour. This one trick can actually do wonders for your fat loss goals.  To know more about the science behind NEAT, read this.

Yash Sharma is a former national level Football player, now a Strength Coach, Nutritionist and Natural Bodybuilder.  He also runs a YouTube Channel Yash Sharma Fitness via which he aims to educate all the fitness enthusiasts to maximize their gains by methods that are backed by science and applicable easily.

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