Saturday, April 28, 2018

how to lose 10 pounds in 1 week [7 Diet Tips]

The 7 diet tips below would make anyone lose up to 10 pounds in one week no matter how weight loss resistant they might be.

The reason is because they cut your calories and fat and literally shut down your appetite. They also free you to actually EAT MORE FOOD and lose weight.

All the foods are you eat contain very few calories, very little saturated fat as well as a lot of fiber which actually make weight loss not much of a struggle at all.

If you are looking to lose weight fast for any reason, they will deliver it on a platter.

Below are 7 diet tips for super fast weight loss…

1. Eat one large green vegetable salad every day
Eat a large plate of a raw leafy green vegetable salad every day together with a no oil, low salt dressing.

Leafy green vegetables are only 100 calories a pound and have a negative caloric effect and fast gut transit times that make you lose weight the more of them you eat.

You can eat a mountain of greens and still lose weight.

2: Eat a double sized serving of steamed greens every day
Steamed greens often taste better than raw salads but they have identical weight loss characteristics

They still contain only 100 calories per pound and have a negative caloric effect that make you lose weight the more of them you eat.

Besides greens also keep you satiated for longer.

3: Eat at least ½ a cup of beans or legumes every day
Beans are the best foods on earth for weight loss.

For the simple reason that they control your appetite and blood sugar the best keeping you feeling full for hours after you eat them and quickly shutting down cravings.

They are the world’s most fiber rich foods and have the extra benefit of being only 350 calories per pound. When you eat beans you stay satiated for many hours after eating very few calories.

4: Eat at least four pieces of fresh fruit everyday
Fresh fruits are fiber and micronutrient rich and help a lot with satiety.

An apple before every meal will help you stay satiated for hours.

Besides a pound of fruit is only 250 calories.

5: Eat an ounce ( literally a handful ) of raw nuts and seeds every day
Raw nuts and seeds complement any well rounded weight loss package by supplying much needed good fats that also aid weight loss and also add a boat load of fiber.

But it’s also important not to over eat them as they are also calorie dense ( an ounce is roughly 250-300 calories )

6: Drink at least 1.5-3 liters of water every day
Water is a natural fat burner, appetite suppressant and well as a detoxifier.

A glass of water taken before each meal burns as much as 250 calories in one day and getting properly hydrated ( 1-5-3 liters a day ) has been known to cause up to 9 pounds of weight loss the first week.

Drinking water also boosts metabolism by clearing toxins that slow it down.

7: Don’t eat processed foods, oil, salt or animal protein
Those are the most calorie dense, fatty, salty, oily and most weight causing foods on earth.

Stay off them for one weeks and you are sure to lose a lot of weight even if you do nothing else.
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