Sunday, April 1, 2018

How To Lose 4- 5 kgs Naturally With In Two Weeks

Lose 4-5 kilos Naturally ( in two weeks tips)

If in your mind, losing 20 pounds is an impossible feat, think again. We are not saying that you need to envelop your body in wraps or take a magic pill… You just need to adjust your eating habits and sacrifice some things in the short term, for the results you want. This guide will not push you to do a certain diet rather it will just help you pick the exercise and eating strategies that can suit your lifestyle!

  1. Eat lots of green vegetables or a fibre supplement. Fibre helps reduce "bat wings" and "bingo arms" by eliminating toxins
  2. Limit alcohol to four standard drinks a week. A 400kJ glass of wine replaces one snack
  3. Your body converts wheat to sugar faster than any other grain. So try and avoid bread and pasta, if you can
  4. One coffee per day is allowed. After that, drink green tea
  5. Studies show that low-fat yoghurts, for instance, are loaded with sugar and sodium to make up for the blandness of having no fat. So, eat real butter, yoghurt and milk and cheese. Keep the doses small, though

Snack list
Each day choose from any two of the following:

  • 1 apple and 1 matchbox-sized serve full-fat cheese (700kJ)
  • Vegetable sticks and ¼ cup hummus (600kJ)
  • 1 piece of fruit and a handful of nuts (400kJ)
  • 100g natural yoghurt with berries, cinnamon and almonds (400kJ)
  • 1 small latte (400kJ)
  • 2 Corn Thins with 1 teaspoon no added sugar peanut butter (400kJ)
  • Make a yoghurt paddle pop (with fruit and nuts) (450kJ)
  • Frozen grapes and bananas (480kj)
  • Fruit smoothie with added fibre or bran (400kJ)
  • 4 squares of dark chocolate (400kJ)
  • Green smoothie (blend up celery, cucumber, lime, ginger, mint) (negligible)
  • 1 serve of rice or pasta = a fist
  • 1 piece of meat, fish or chicken = the size and width of a deck of cards
  • 1 serve of cheese = one slice, or 4 small cubes that could fit in a matchbox
  • 1 serve of butter = your fingertip
how to lose 5kgs within 2 weeks

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