Sunday, April 22, 2018

Top 10 Home Remedies For Fat Burn

Being overweight is not a healthy state. It not only makes you look out of shape, but also has many medical consequences that can literally turn your life upside down.

Many find it difficult to take out time from their fast-paced life to exercise. They look for short cuts to lose weight and burn all that fat, accumulated over the years.

The markets are flooded with weight loss products that make tall claims of helping you lose fat.

You must be cautious about these products because they can have side effects that can harm your body in the long run.

Top 10 Home Remedies For Fat Burn:  

A conscious lifestyle change can help burn fat and increase weight loss in people. One need not spend money on gym membership to lose weight.

Various home remedies can help you shed the flab. These ingredients are easily available at home and are super cheap too.

One can incorporate these remedies easily in the daily schedule to get back in shape. Some of the home remedies for fat loss include:

1. Eat in Moderation:

People put on weight and store fat when they consume more than the body requirements. When food is delicious, one tends to overeat now that’s a given.

But if you want to lose some pounds, avoid second helpings. Eating small meal frequently can help in weight loss. It keeps the metabolism running and helps to burn fat.

2. Drink More Water:

Good to burn fat, water helps to flush out all the toxins from the body. Water hydrates our cells, keeps metabolism levels high, and reduces calorie intake.

Water has zero calories and one can drink 2-3 liter of water every day. Drinking hot water helps to flush out fat from the body too.

3. Green Tea:

Green tea is known to help burn fat. It helps to release excessive fat cells from the body.

Drinking 2-3 cups a day helps to flush out fat from the body, helping you lose weight naturally.

4. Lemon and Honey:

Have lemon and honey in lukewarm water. Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach. It helps to flush out toxins. It also clears the bowel movement.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Apple cider vinegar is good for digestion and fat burn. Two tablespoon of this vinegar in a glass of water a day suppresses appetite and aids weight loss.

6. Black Pepper:

The alkaloid chemical, called piperine found in black pepper help to break down cells full of fat. It helps reduce fat at a molecular level. Black pepper controls the forming of new fat cells.

It also stops fat build up in the blood. Now, spice your food with black pepper for a slimmer you! This is one of the best home remedy to reduce fat.

7. Cumin:

Cumin is a fat burning ingredient. Cumin prevents the storage of excess fat by the body, aiding weight loss.

It enhances the metabolic rate and stops flatulence. Boil cumin in water and drink it. You can also add it to any dish to enhance the flavor.

8. Parsley Juice:

Parsley juice is good for flushing out fat. It helps to cut down fat and detoxify the body, helping you lose weight and stay healthy at the same time.

9. Cranberry Juice:

Cranberry juice is good for weight loss. Adding a dash of lime or vinegar to a glass of cranberry juice helps to burn fat.

10. Apples:

Boiled apples help to flush the extra fat from the system. It aids digestion and is filling too. Pectin in apples helps in reducing the absorption of fat through the cells. Both raw and boiled apples are healthy.

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