Monday, July 9, 2018

6 Home Remedies For Chest Congestion

1. Steam Therapy

Steam therapy is a simple and very effective home remedy for chest congestion that has been in use since ancient times. You can either use a common water pan or a humidifier.Heat some water until it begins to emit steam.

Now cover yourself with the pan under a towel so that the steam does not escape. Inhale the humid steam for about 10-15 minutes. This procedure will ease up the mucous and make it easy for you to cough it out. Steam also clears up the respiratory tract so that you can breathe easy.

6 Home Remedies For Chest Congestion

2. Lukewarm Bath

Most of us believe that taking bath or getting anywhere near water can worsen the cough and congestion. However, if done right then bathing can be the best thing you did for easing your chest congestion. Fill a bath tub with warm water and immerse yourself in it for about 15 minutes.

Also, run some hot water in a sink or place steaming water in the bathroom so that the climate inside becomes warm and humid. Both these procedures will have the effect of increasing the fluidity of mucous thereby making it easy for you to cough it out.

3. Menthol Oil
This compound is the reason why mint has a wonderfully fresh aroma. Menthol also happens to be a base ingredient of many commercial cooling ointments and cough relieving gels. However, you do not have to buy those costly and processed medicines if you have menthol oil in the house.

You can use it to relieve the breathing difficulties in many ways. If you are using steam therapy, then add a few drops in the water.The steam will carry menthol vapors directly to your respiratory tract, thereby providing instant relief. You may also apply a drop each on your temple, throat and chest.

This will provide relief from headache, congestion and help you breathe easy. While sleeping you can also place a handkerchief or tissue paper on which 3-4 drops of menthol oil have been added.

4. Turmeric- The Yellow Herb

Turmeric has numerous health benefits. The first one being that it is anti-inflammatory in nature and can help heal the sores in the throat that are direct fallout of cough caused by congestion. It will also reduce the inflammation of the respiratory tract.

You can pick the method of introducing turmeric to your body from a few options.You can add half a teaspoon to the steam for inhalation. Adding it to a glass of milk and consuming it warm is also a great idea for relieving the pain and clearing the air passage. It is particularly more potent when consumed before you sleep.

5. Eucalyptus Oil

The vapors of this oil act by widening the respiratory tract and make it easy to breathe. Also, application of eucalyptus oil can relieve you from the throat pain caused by persistent cough. In nature it is very similar to menthol oil.

Add a few drops to the steaming water and inhale the steam. It will provide instant relief from congestion.You may also place a cotton swab or handkerchief with a few drops of this oil in it. This method will help you sleep well as the air laden with the goodness of this oil will keep your breathing light and respiratory tract clear.

6. Fix It With Basil

Basil is known to be an anti-inflammatory and nerve calming ingredient. Many studies have shown positive effects of basil on breathing and cough related maladies.

Take a bunch of basil leaves and crush them while adding a teaspoon of water to them. Strain this concentrate of basil and consume with a teaspoon of honey. Both honey and basil are wonderful home remedies for clearing up the respiratory tract.

Honey is anti-microbial in nature and therefore extremely potent against the cough and congestion.They will not only ease the mucous but also soothe your throat. Alternatively, you can prepare a tea by adding 9-10 basil leaves in the boiling water. Consume this concoction while it is warm.

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