Monday, July 30, 2018

5 Health and Wellness Tips for All Students

It’s not easy being a student, what with constant preparations for exams and projects interspersed with social commitments. Not surprisingly, many students feel they just don’t have enough energy to keep up with the study-life balance.

For students staying fit and healthy is important to meet the challenges at school/college, on the field and at social outings.

Here are some tips to help students make the most of readily available resources:

health and wellness tips


Without doubt, this is among the cornerstones of a healthy life, especially for students. A well-balanced diet from a young age lays the foundation for the future.

Some points to keep in mind when it comes to your diet:

Proper portion size: To avoid over-eating keep track of how much you are eating. Get a fix on the ideal portion size for vegetables as well as meat/chicken

Mix your meals: To ensure you do not miss out on anything mix your meals so you have something different every day / week

Eat breakfast: No matter how busy, you cannot compromise on a good breakfast. Begin your day with a good breakfast.

Drink water: Water is one of those things that just doesn’t make it to most priority lists. This can be costly. For students looking to study and concentrate for long hours, drinking enough water is important. Carry a bottle of water with you all the time.

Limit sugary drinks and junk food: Students eat out a lot which is not bad in itself, so long as they avoid junk food and sugary beverages. It is a matter of finding food that is tasty as also healthy.

Take vitamins: Although it is ideal to get all nutrients from your diet naturally, if you feel weakness or believe you aren’t consuming enough nutrients, you can opt for vitamin supplements based on your doctor’s recommendations.


Squeezing in the necessary bit of exercise isn't easy for a student. Here are some ways to help you get on track to fitness.

Ride your bike: Take up biking as an alternative to the bus or the car on the way to college or classes. This way you can catch a few minutes of exercise between your courses.

Take up a sport: While some individuals just can’t follow a gym routine due to sheer laziness or boredom, they may have no problem at all with a sport. One way to get yourself motivated to exercise is by playing a sport. This could be any racquet sport like badminton or table tennis or squash, or a field sport like football or cricket.

Walk more: Even if you own a motorbike or a car, it is a good idea to ditch it in favour of walking; or jogging / running if you are the athletic type. This is particularly useful for short distances when taking the motorbike is unnecessary.

Take up a gym membership: If you are the type who can find the motivation to visit a gym regularly, then taking up membership makes sense. But you have to be certain that your schedule permits it since a lot of students can’t keep up the grind and drop out eventually.


Getting adequate sleep is important for every individual and more so for students given that they are required to cram so much information and invoke it on call. It is proved that sleep consolidates memories, which means that students can remember what they have already learnt by getting enough sleep.

These tips should help you get adequate rest:

Take a nap: If you can squeeze in a short nap in the afternoon you must give it a try and if you can manage it regularly that’s even better. It can energize you, which is why it’s called a power nap.

Don't work in bed: Working in bed can make getting to sleep harder. Keep your work space separate from your sleep space to keep insomnia at bay.

Make a schedule: With so many classes, exams and projects, it is easy for students to lose control over their time and schedule. However, maintaining a time table to the extent possible, can make you more disciplined, at least when it comes to sleep.

Avoid all nighters: Lot of students study all night in the hope of cramming as much as possible. This can be counterproductive. Without adequate sleep, you compromise your ability to perform well or remember what you have studied. So make sure you get some sleep especially before an exam.


With several students sharing classroom space and living in hostels, spreading colds and viruses is easy if you're not careful. These tips can help you avoid illnesses and ailments:

Wash your hands: Studies have proved that simple hand washing can prevent many illnesses. So wash your hands whenever you come in contact with dirt or sick people. It is particularly important to have clean hands when you sit down to eat or when you touch your eyes, ears or nose.

Avoid sharing beverages: Germs are easily transferable through sharing of drinks or other beverages, so avoid sharing with friends.

Get to the doctor: Visit the doctor if you have symptoms that aren't showing any signs of easing up. If let untended, the sickness could turn more severe and infect others in the family or classroom.


Students have so much going on in their lives that there is the danger that they might burn out. Here are some ways to counter stress:

Go by a routine: Make a habit of studying, working out and sleeping at certain predetermined hours. It will be easier for you to maintain a study-life balance without getting stressed out.

Cap study hours: You can't study all the time; you must squeeze in relaxation time in your routine. Cap your study hours so that you have enough time for sleep and leisure.

Take up hobbies: A hobby can be a stress buster. This could be reading or playing a sport or running, anything that will get your mind off studies and classes for a while until your batteries are recharged.

Make time for friends: Friends can cheer you up and have a positive impact on your overall mood with discussions that are unrelated to studies and projects. So find time to meet or chat with your friends.

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