Wednesday, October 3, 2018

20 Of the best fat burning foods to help you lose weight

If you’re trying to burn fat and get shredded, you are in the right place. Check out the list below for some of the best fat burning foods to help you drop those pounds!


Chicken breast is high in protein. As a result it will help fill you up and keep you full for longer periods of time. The higher protein content can also help boost your energy and promote muscle growth. The more muscle you have, the more your body will naturally burn fat! Plus, chicken is also rich in vitamins B,D, and A.

Some people have trouble eating chicken because they don’t care for the taste, so feel free to use a low or zero calorie seasoning if that makes it easier. Try to stay away from any heavy sauces or other flavoring as it will add calories and sugar to your meal which could quickly defeat the purpose of eating chicken in the first place.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest fats that exist. It is made up of medium-chain triglycerides instead of long-chain triglycerides which are what most other fats are made up of. As a result, coconut oil goes straight to your liver after being consumed and acts as a quick energy source for your brain .

Coconut oil also causes a thermogenic effect in your body when consumed. In other words, your body has to expend more energy to digest coconut oil due to the medium-chain triglycerides than with many other fats like butter or olive oil because they are made up of long-chain triglycerides .


Not surpisingly, kale is a great fat burning food because it is very nutrient-dense but also has very few calories. Therefore, similar to foods like brussel sprouts and cauliflower, you can eat more kale which can help fill you up while staying within a calorie deficit.

Kale is also a great antioxidant that can help fight free radicals in addition to supporting your liver with it’s detoxifying effects. Kale does contain vitamin K though, which encourages the blood to clot, so make sure to check with your doctor before you start eating it.


Grapefruits are not a magic fat-removing food that will have you transforming overnight. However, it does contain very few calories and is high in fiber, water, and flavor, all of which can work to keep you full and hydrated. Both staying full and being hydrated can help you ultimately burn fat. It contains vitamins A and C, potassium, Biotin, vitamin B1 and B5, as well as antioxidants to help fight off free radicals.

Many experts claim that consuming half a grapefruit prior to a meal can help suppress appetite, but there are mixed opinions as to how effective it is in that situation. The main reason to eat it would simply be because it is a nutritious option that can help control cravings. Make sure to consult with your doctor prior to eating because it is known to interfere with certain medications .


High-quality lean meats are high in protein. A higher protein consumption can help increase strength, curb hunger, and ultimately lead to more fat being burned. Beef is also a great source of carnitine, zinc, selenium, iron and B vitamins. When choosing which meat to buy, you generally want to stick to leaner cuts to avoid the majority of the fat.

Feel free to mix up the way you eat it as well. Beef is great to eat grilled, in a salad, as a sandwich, or as part of a stir-fry meal. Keep in mind that one serving is considered 3-4 ounces, so a nice big t-bone steak could potentially count for multiple servings.

Green Tea

If you were to look at the ingredients in many fat-burning supplements, green tea is usually included. Green tea has many general health benefits including supporting immune system health and providing antioxidants to help fight off sickness.

It can also lengthen thermogenesis, increase norepinephrine which is the body’s main fat-burning hormone, and increase overall energy output in your body, all of which can lead to more fat burned .

Whey Protein

Whey protein is one of the most convenient sources of protein, especially for when you are on-the-go. It can help decrease body fat and act as a healthy meal option instead of opting for the nearest fast-food restaurant. Just like other high-protein foods, whey protein can help keep you satiated longer, promote muscle growth, and help with sticking to an overall healthy diet.

There are three different types of whey protein: hydrolysates, isolates, and concentrates. Hydrolysates and isolates are very fast digesting forms of whey protein and concentrates digest a little slower. Hydrolysates and isolates are best for post-workout shakes. Concentrates tend to be best as meal replacements because they digest slower, similar to whole food.


Monounsaturated fat is a heart healthy fat that is prominent in avocados. As a result, avocados can help curb hunger, fill you up faster, and have even been seen to cause boosts in energy. As a result, eating avocado could help keep your metabolism running faster more often, allowing you to burn more fat. Plus, it also contains vitamin B6 which fights against cortisol. Cortisol is a fat-storing hormone that is known to increase with added stress, so minimizing it’s impact is always a good idea .


Who said you have to cut carbohydrates when you want to burn fat? Whole grain carbohydrates digest slower in your body. Combine that with the higher amount of fiber found in oats, and you have the perfect solution to control your appetite and be less hungry throughout the day.

Oatmeal is generally a lower calorie food as well, which makes it a great choice for fat loss. Be aware of flavored versions though. Those can be higher in overall calories and sugar, which can work against you if you are trying to burn fat. Instead, use plain oats and add flavor using fresh berries or cinnamon.


Similar to avocados, almonds are high in monounsaturated fats as well as omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and protein. All of which help promote muscle growth, which naturally allows you to feel hungry less and burn more fat. Some studies show that almonds can reduce LDL cholesterol in certain situations and burn stubborn belly fat. So instead of reaching for that bag of chips, try a handful of almonds next time!

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is another muscle building food that is great for fat loss. It contains vitamin D and calcium which fight cortisol and helps promote fat loss. Always opt for greek yogurt compared to regular ones because even though it has slightly more calories, it is lower in carbohydrates and has more protein.

Sticking with plain versus flavored greek yogurt will also minimize any added sugar, which is what you want to do when trying to burn fat. If you don’t care for the taste of plain greek yogurt, use berries or other raw fruits to add some flavor. Fruits are going to be a better option than processed sugar, but just make sure you don’t go overboard.


Plums contain anti-inflammatory agents which can fight fat cells and essentially help you burn fat. They are also loaded with nutrients that can fight against metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is just a term for a group of negative health symptoms such as high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excessive abdominal fat, and abnormal cholesterol levels .

One of those symptoms alone does not necessarily mean you have metabolic syndrome, but choosing to live a healthier lifestyle in general can help you avoid it altogether. Plums also act as a great solution for sugar cravings too, which can indirectly lead to fat loss over time .

Peanut Butter

Many people will be happy to see peanut butter can in fact help reduce fat. It provides a healthy dose of protein to keep you full and reduce appetite, which can eventually lead to fat loss. However, peanut butter is a very calorically-dense food so monitoring portion size is extremely important here. Peanut butter can be helpful for burning fat, but it can also do the opposite if you are not careful with how much of it you eat.

Don’t “wing it” when it comes to portions and always make sure to measure out each spoonful. Avoid eating it out of the jar because you’ll be much more likely to overindulge and/or lose track of how much you have consumed.

Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a sweeter and softer cheese. Some people prefer to use low-fat cottage cheese, but doing so removes certain benefits like better nutrient absorption which is aided by the fat it contains. While low-fat options may help you stay within calorie limits, a full-fat option will fill you up faster and keep you full longer without needing to eat as much of it.

Cottage cheese is a great source of vitamins, minerals, calcium, and protein, but it does contain a decent amount of sodium. As with anything else, just be aware of how much you consume and eat it in moderation.


Like other nuts, walnuts contain fat which can help satisfy appetities faster. Interestingly, there is some indication that walnuts can actually affect the region of the brain responsible for appetite control and may therefore help people resist foods that are normally craved such as cake and fast food. Walnuts may essentially be a gateway food that could lead to eating a generally healthier diet overall.

Walnuts are also great for increasing bone health, reducing inflammation, improving skin, along with a variety of other benefits. These nuts can be a great food to snack on in between meals to keep you satisfied without overeating or consuming other junk foods.


Broccoli is mainly made up of water and fiber, so you are able to eat a lot of it without it costing you too many calories. Since it is higher in fiber it will also help satisfy your appetite for longer periods of time. Broccoli contains calcium too which can reduce new fat cell production and stimulate breakdown of stored fat. It also contains Vitamin C which is needed to produce carnitine in the body. Carnitine is critical for metabolizing fat into energy.

Most people want to shoot for about 3 servings of vegetables per day, so adding some broccoli to one of those is a great way to make a meal fill you up while dieting. You will get the most benefits from eating it raw or steaming it, so try to opt for one of those two ways when adding broccoli to your diet.


Edamame are essentially hardened soybeans that are usually consumed as a snack food. Similar to Quinoa, Edamame is relatively high in protein and calcium but low in calories, which makes it a satisfying food to help you lose fat. One cup of Edamame contains 18g of protein, 188 calories, and 13g of carbohydrates.


Blueberries are loaded with fiber and tend to be very satisfying to people because of how visually-dense they are. Berries are rich in antioxidants and are great for fat loss because of their high fiber and water concentration. Blueberries are a great addition to smoothies, oatmeal, salads, and can also be enjoyed as a sweet snack on their own.

These berries can also boost brain health, relieve inflammation, aide in digestion, and promote heart health due to the lack of cholesterol that they contain (7).

Olive Oil

Olive oil is high in Omega-3 fatty acids which is ideal when talking about fat loss, as long as it is in the right quantities. It is great for helping to keep your gut, brain, and many other organs functioning as they should, and it can keep your appetite under control.

Similar to peanut butter and other high fat foods, you just want to make sure you are monitoring the amount you consume because this is a calorie-dense food. Using it as a cooking oil is a great option, but can also make it very easy to overuse. Always measure out the amount of olive oil you are using so you are aware of exactly how much you consume.


Despite having a bad reputation for fat loss, bananas are made up of 75% water, which makes them a fairly low calorie-dense food. They also contain resistant starch. Resistant starch is a carbohydrate that is not fully digested by your body and is fermented in the colon. Therefore, you are going to absorb fewer calories than initially thought. The greener the banana is, the more resistant starch it has. Bananas are a great pre-workout carbohydrate source that can give you added energy for your workout.

Hot Peppers

Hot peppers contain capsaicin which is responsible for the burning feeling that hot peppers produce. It also makes hot peppers ideal for fat loss because of the heat it produces which burns calories and breaks down fat.

With that said, if you are someone who doesn’t care for spicy foods don’t feel like this is a must. As you can see in this list, there are many food options to choose from when trying to burn fat. So if the heat isn’t for you, stick to the other foods and you’ll still have just as good of a chance to lose that stubborn fat.

Wrapping Up

You may have noticed that many of these foods are also great for building muscle. This is a great example of how important it is to simply take a generally healthy approach to your overall lifestyle and diet.

You see, if you live your life in a way where you workout to add muscle and you eat right, you will naturally start to get and stay in better shape. Focusing too much on solely trying to lose weight often leads to gaining it all back soon after you lose it.

Instead, if you are trying to burn fat, consider adjusting your focus from purely burning fat and making your belly smaller, to how you can make overall healthier choices everyday. Those seemingly small choices add up over time and you will start to lost fat naturally as a bi-product of your healthier life decisions.

If you’re serious about burning fat and/or building muscle, you need to take an all-inclusive approach to make sure you cover all of the bases. All Access from is a subscription service with over 50 workout programs created by some of the best fitness experts in the world.

You will also get unlimited access to nutrition plans, supplement guides, video instructions, and store discounts when you sign up. This is a very affordable service especially since you are learning from some of the best in the industry!

If you are looking for a plan built around your specific goals, make sure to check out All Access and see everything it has to offer!


(1) Mumme, K., & Stonehouse, W. (2015, February). Effects of medium-chain triglycerides on weight loss and body composition: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Retrieved from

(2) St-Onge, M. P., & Jones, P. J. (2003, December). Greater rise in fat oxidation with medium-chain triglyceride consumption relative to long-chain triglyceride is associated with lower initial body weight and greater loss of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Retrieved from

(3) Grapefruit 101: Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits. (2017, December 28). Retrieved from

(4) Muscletech. (2017, February 09). Green Tea Fat-Burning Phenomenon: The Secret Behind It All! Retrieved from

(5) E. (2017, December 05). The Secret Reason Avocado Is The Magic Weight Loss Food. Retrieved from

(6)James, K. (2018, March 27). 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Plums. Retrieved from

(7) Axe, J. (2018, April 30). Top 7 Health Benefits of Blueberries Blueberry Nutrition. Retrieved from

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