Sunday, December 23, 2018

11 Marvellous Benefits of Ginger Water For Skin

Ginger is the exclusive kitchen ingredient that enhances the flavor of recipes across almost every cuisine, is also an amazing herbal remedy ingredient and ginger water is an exceptional solution for many health issues.

If you have heard about ginger water and wondering is ginger water good for health and how to make ginger water, here is everything for you to know about the health benefits of ginger water and how to make ginger water.

What Is Ginger Water ?

Ginger, our very own adrak that we grate into anything right from curries to chai to salads, is a perennial root that effortlessly creeps underground. Ginger water is nothing but ginger boiled in water. It is a simple recipe which can be made with minimum effort and is a great health booster!

How To Make Ginger Water ?

This is how you can make ginger water:

  • Remove the husk of the ginger and cut into small pieces.
  • Add water to it and grind in a mixer.
  • After this strain it in a jar to avoid any lump formation.
  • Now your ginger water is ready.

If you are wondering how to drink ginger water as it may taste different solely with ginger flavour, you could actually try giving it a sweet touch by adding some honey or sugar as per taste.

How Much Ginger Water Dosage Should I Use Daily ?

Ginger enhances your health from within and enriches your skin tone as well! Now, here is how much of ginger water you can consume per day.

Usually if it is ginger water made out of boiling freshly grated ginger, then you can have not more than two glasses of such water per day.

If it is ginger extract that you want to mix with water and have, then restrict it to 4 grams of extract per day.

Ensure your daily intake is not more than 5 grams as too much of anything can give you a not-so-good result. Although ginger is natural, there may be certain side effects of drinking ginger water in excess amounts. So just be careful about that!

Amazing Benefits Of Ginger Water:

Here we enlisted 12 best benefits of ginger water (Adrak Water) for skin, hair and health. Let’s have a look in to them.

1. Decreases Pain:

Ginger water helps in decreasing different kind of aches like tooth ache and migraines which are most common yet can get irritating at times. Ginger water has anti-inflammatory properties which can balance the functioning of blood vessels, thereby increasing the blood flow in your body resulting in effective pain relief.

2. Reduces Inflammation:

Ginger is an amazing medicinal plant which has the power to treat inflammation in joints. There is a study which shows that the individuals who drink ginger water regularly, experience less amount of pain as compared to those individuals who don’t.

Also, those who consume ginger water build natural resistance to diseases related to inflammation. Ginger is rich in antioxidants which enhance better circulation of pure blood by eliminating the impurities that are harmful to your body.

3. Regulates Blood Pressure:

Ginger water helps in lowering down the blood pressure instantly and also helps in thinning the blood. Daily intake of ginger water with one teaspoon of honey treats the taste buds as a refreshing drink and also cleanses your body from within boosting better health.

4. Improves Digestion:

Ginger is an amazing ingredient that has the power to regularize your digestion. Ginger water is an exemplary solution for any kind of digestive issues. Ginger water consumption gives you resistance against all stomach pains and different issues related to digestion. All toxins are eliminated from stomach and anything from bloating to constipation to loose motions can be cured.

5. Barrier To Cancer:

Uses of ginger water are numerous. Daily consumption of ginger water helps in keeping you away from cancer. It inhibits the growth of cancer. It also destroys the cells which can cause cancer. Ginger water is rich in anti-oxidants and those help in decelerating the growth of cells causing breast cancer. According to some studies it has been revealed that ginger water can slow down the spreading of some cancers.

6. Reduces Cholesterol:

Ginger water helps in lowering the cholesterol. It helps in cleaning the blockages in blood vessels which usually cause heart attacks. So if your blood reports show higher cholesterol levels, you should actually start drinking ginger water once or twice every day and take charge of one of the advantages of drinking ginger water.

7. Cough And Cold:

Winter brings with it terrible cough and cold, sometimes bothering flu which never wants to go away! For such stubborn flu or cold symptoms, Ginger is the best solution! One of the best advantages of ginger water is that it can almost instantly treat cough, cold, flu and nausea as it has anti-fungal and anti-viral characteristics. It gives instant relief from cold and also destroys all the bacteria which are responsible for causing cold giving your body some great comfort.

8. Relieves Joint Pain:

Did you know ginger water is not just a great flu treating ingredient but also an amazing solution for easing joint pains? Well! Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties make it a great ingredient for resolving arthritis and any other pains caused by sudden jerks in joints.

Ginger water has the efficiency to treat pains caused by thyroid too! So, if you are suffering from join pains, for quick relief start consuming a glass of ginger water every day.

9. Balance Blood Sugar Levels And Keeps Diabetes Away:

If you have a low metabolic rate or if your blood sugar levels are relatively high in the latest blood reports, stop panicking and act smartly! Add ginger water to your diet everyday with a dash of lemon and that will create a protective shield for your kidneys and cuts down on the negative effects of diabetes or blood sugar.

Ginger which is only thought to be a food flavor enriches is actually rich in zinc and that adds to insulin production which in turn keeps blood sugar at bay.

10. Boosts Metabolism And Helps In Weight Loss:

Ginger which cleanses body from within is also known for increasing metabolism rate. By doing so, it helps in quick burning of fat and thereby resulting in weight loss. Ginger water with a dash of lemon every morning is just the perfect yet easy recipe for effective weight loss. You can consume a cup of this ginger water plus lemon twice or thrice a day before or after meals.

11. Ginger Water For Skin:

Can ginger water really purify your skin and make it look much brighter, lighter and healthier? Well! Ginger water cleanses your body from within thereby detoxifying it.

i) Prevents Premature Aging:

By detoxifying your body thoroughly and adding shine to your skin, ginger water has the ability to prevent premature aging. If you have wrinkles or dry skin as hereditary in your family, you should drink this magic drink for an amazingly beautiful skin.

ii) Reduce Acne:

By thoroughly cleaning the ducts inside of your skin perfectly through enhances blood circulation, ginger water helps in clearing pimple and acne at a relatively faster pace. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it prevents future appearance of acne as well.

iii) Remove Blackheads:

Blackheads are the impurities that show up on the surface of the skin. Due to excessive intake of fats or oils, when your skin cannot handle it anymore, it pops out blackheads that tend to roughen your skin. Regular intake of ginger water can reduce the appearance of blackheads.

12. Ginger Water For Hair:

Have you ever thought ginger water can add shine to your hair and enhance its growth? Well! That’s the power ginger water holds! This is one of the less discussed benefits of drinking ginger water.

i) Shiny and Long Hair:

Add ginger water in your daily routine for a shiny and long hair. For early results you can apply it on the scalp as well as it amazingly conditions your hair. Keep the viscosity of water low while applying on your scalp.

ii) Dandruff Treatment:

Ginger water also is great for eradicating dandruff and fastens the growth of your hair. The most negligible common side effect of ginger water is that it may slightly irritate on the scalp but don’t worry it actually stimulates the blood flow.

iii) Hair Fall Remedy:

Grated ginger boiled in some water and made into a paste with less amount of water can just be a great hair fall remedy.

Now that you know what best benefits of drinking ginger water are, so now, wait no further, just add this super drink to your diet everyday and look and feel healthier inside out. Be it for skin, stomach, hair or overall wellness, ginger water is the best! Share your experiences by writing in the comment box below.

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