Sunday, July 29, 2018

Health Issues Every Woman Should Know about

A woman builds the foundation of a home. Her role as a mother, wife, daughter, sibling, and friend has meaning beyond measure. While back in the day, most Indian women were confined to their homes as home-makers, today things have changed.

A woman, these days, along with running a home also contributes to the home financially by pursuing her career goals. While this empowers her, it could also add to her stress levels and impact her health.

Quite often, women tend to neglect their health in the pursuit of keeping their family members happy. However, this can be harmful in the long run. Here are a few health issues that every woman needs to know and take precautionary measure for.

Breast cancer

According to a recent study, breast cancer affects 1 in 12 Indian women. This shows that breast cancer is on the rise today. It could be owed to a number of lifestyle factors like smoking, lack of exercise, drinking, besides others.

Cervical cancer

According to reports, around 74,000 women die annually due to cervical cancer. This cancer often goes unnoticed due to lack of symptoms, until it is too late.

Therefore, most women who are sexually active should undergo a Papanicolaou test, also commonly known as the Pap smear test, in order to detect any abnormalities right in the beginning.

Heart disease

Nowadays heart diseases affect a lot of women, especially those who have entered their menopausal phase. This is mainly because during menopause, the body produces lesser estrogen that is needed for a healthy heart. This could be balanced out by consuming a healthy diet and exercising regularly.


Although men are more prone to diabetes, today a lot of women too are falling prey to this disease. Apart from genetics, diabetes may be caused due to an unhealthy lifestyle, which includes lack of exercise, irregular meals, drinking, smoking, and others.

Depression and mental health

It is believed that women are more prone to depression than men. And things like post-partum depression only add to this. Also, since depression does not have any physical symptoms it can be difficult to detect.

Any prolonged mood swings and feelings of restlessness should be immediately checked upon by a medical professional.

It is rightly said that prevention is always better than cure. While there are a few steps you could take to prevent the above-mentioned diseases, it is advisable to be financially prepared for the same. This is where a health insurance policy comes into play.

It ensures that you do not have to deplete your savings in case you fall prey to any kind of ailment.

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