Sunday, July 29, 2018

Prevention and Treatment of High Cholesterol

If you ask a successful person what is the one most important thing to him, ‘health’ will be his answer undoubtedly. This is because health is true wealth. However, today in the pursuit of making money and achieving success, we often tend to neglect our health, which in turn leads to a number of bodily imbalances like excessive stress, insomnia, obesity and high cholesterol.

High cholesterol is also very often termed as hypercholesterolemia or ‘hyperlipidemia’. It is that phenomena when your blood has many lipids or in other words fats in it. These fats are triglycerides. When there is too much bad cholesterol or in other words low-density lipoprotein (LDL), the deposit of fats in your arteries increase, thus increasing the threat of blockages.

High cholesterol can be extremely dangerous and in many cases even life-threatening. If you suffer from high cholesterol, the first thing you should do is to invest in a health insurance policy in order to safeguard your finances in case anything goes wrong.

The next step would be to make changes in your lifestyle to reduce your cholesterol levels. Here a few steps you could take to prevent and treat high cholesterol:

Healthy eating

Eating healthy home cooked meals with minimum amounts of saturated and trans fats reduces cholesterol drastically. This would require you to reduce your intake of fat, dairy, and fried foods as well as packaged foods. Stick to a diet high in fruits, vegetables, and, whole grains. Make sure you also eat a lot of fiber as this helps reduce cholesterol by as much as 10 percent.

Regular exercise

There is truly no substitute to exercise. No matter how healthy you eat, if you do not exercise, the chances of you leading a healthy life are negligible. Therefore, exercise daily, even if that means just brisk walking. Other ways of staying physically fit are swimming, aerobics, zumba, yoga, cycling, walking uphill, trekking, etc. In order to maintain good heart health, one must exercise for about 40 minutes each day. However, if you already have a heart ailment, make sure to go slow and not exercise too rigorously.

Avoid intoxicants

Alcohol and tobacco go hand in hand with high cholesterol. This is especially true in the case of smoking, as smoking tends to clog arteries. Therefore, if you wish to reduce your cholesterol levels, make sure you completely cut off any intoxicants.

Losing weight

Excess weight and high cholesterol are like two sides of the same coin. Being overweight increases the low-density lipoprotein in your bloodstream. Therefore, losing weight is another goal to work towards in order to reduce your cholesterol levels.

Optimal sleep

Studies have shown that women who slept less than five hours per day showed a spiked level of triglycerides in the blood. Therefore, getting at least seven hours of sleep per night is important in the prevention of high cholesterol.

They say you have two lives, the second one starts when you realize you have only one. Therefore, cherish your health, by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

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