Tuesday, December 4, 2018

7 Natural Treatments For Low Testosterone

Testosterone is hormone which is known as male sex hormone but also females have it in small amounts. This is a steroid hormone which is produced in the men’s testicles and women’s ovaries. Also the adrenal glands produce small amounts of this hormone.

It is known that during the puberty this hormone is one of the main drivers of physical changes like increased hair growth, deeper voice and muscle growth. Also it is very important to have optimal levels of testosterone throughout adulthood and even during old age. In adult men, healthy levels of testosterone are important for the sexual function, body composition, disease risk, general health and just about everything else.

When you are increasing your testosterone levels, then this can cause rapid gain in muscle mass and vitality in only a matter of weeks. Also this hormone plays an important role in the female health and sexual well – being. The low testosterone is affecting at most people that are around age 30. But there are some males who can experience declining testosterone at a younger age.

This condition can cause many symptoms such as balding, erectile dysfunction, fat gain, infertility and muscle mass loss. Talk with your doctor if you have low testosterone levels because he or she can help you to increase the testosterone levels in your body. Always consult your doctor before you start taking some of the below mentioned home remedies.

Low testosterone natural treatments

Follow a healthy lifestyle and avoid estrogen – like compounds: There are many factors which can affect your hormone levels. When you are having a healthy sex life, then it plays an important role in regulating the sex hormones and testosterone levels. Also when you have high exposure to estrogen – like chemicals, then they can affect your testosterone levels so you should try to minimize the daily exposure to parabens, BPA and other chemicals which are found in some types of plastic.

It is not surprising fact that drug or alcohol use, whether it is recreational or medical, can decrease the testosterone levels. In opposite, the success, happiness and laughter can help to boost your health and testosterone levels so you should be sure that they will take a part of your daily life.

Take some of these natural boosters: There are some scientific studies in which are supported only a few natural testosterone boosters. Ashwagandha is the herb which has the most research about its effect on the testosterone levels. There was one study in which was tested the effects of this herb on infertile men and it was found that it can help to increase 17% in the testosterone levels and 16% increase in the sperm count. Also it was found that in healthy men that this natural cure can help to increase testosterone levels by 15%. There was another study in which was found that this natural cure can help to lower the cortisol by around 25% which can also aid testosterone.

There are other studies in which are said that ginger extract can boost your testosterone levels. This is a delicious herb which can give you many health benefits. Most of the studies which were done about the ginger have been done in animals. There was one study which was done in infertile humans and it was found that the ginger can help to boost the testosterone levels by 17% and it can increase levels of other key sex hormones.

There are other studies which are supported in both animals and humans and in them was said that other popular herb are tongkat ali, shilajit, Mucuna pruriens and horny goat weed. But it is very important to inform you that the most of the positive studies were done in mice or infertile humans who have low testosterone levels. When people are having healthy testosterone function and normal levels, then it is not clear whether they will benefit much from the mentioned supplements.

Minimize stress and cortisol levels: There are many studies in which are said that the long – term stress can elevate the levels of hormone cortisol. The unnatural elevations in cortisol can quickly reduce the testosterone in body. It is known fact that these hormones work in a seesaw – like manner which means when the one goes up, then the other comes down.

It is known fact that high cortisol and stress can increase the weight gain, food intake and the storage of harmful body fat around the organs. This can negatively impact your testosterone levels. You should try to reduce repetitive stressful situations in your life because this can help you to have optimal health and hormone levels. You should focus on a diet which is based on a balanced lifestyle, laughter, good sleep, regular exercise and whole foods and all of these factors can reduce the stress and it can improve your testosterone levels and health.

Get plenty of restful, high – quality sleep: It is very important to get good sleep for your health as well as diet and exercise. Also the sleep can have a major effect on your testosterone levels. The ideal amount of sleep varies from one person to another but there was one study in which was found that the sleeping of 5 hours per night can reduce the testosterone levels by 15%. There was one long – term study in which was observed that people who slept only 4 hours per night had borderline deficient levels.

There is another long – term study in which is supported the previous study. There was another study in which was calculated that for every additional hour of sleep that you get, testosterone levels are rising 15% higher, on average. There are some people who say that they can function well with less than 7 hours of sleep but in many studies is said that people should sleep around 7 – 10 hours every night because this can help for the long – term health and your testosterone levels.

Take vitamin and mineral supplements: The health benefits of multivitamin are widely debated but there are some minerals and vitamins which can be beneficial for low testosterone levels. There was one study in which was said that Vitamin B and zinc supplements can help to increase the sperm quality by 74%. Zinc can boost the testosterone levels in athletes and people who are zinc deficiency.

There are other studies in which are said that Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E can play an important role in the sex hormone and testosterone levels but there should be done a lot more studies in the future about it. You can find all vitamins easily on markets and in the studies that are done is said that zinc and Vitamin D can be the best supplements for low testosterone levels.

Get some sun or take a Vitamin D supplement: One of the most popular vitamins all around the world is the Vitamin D. There are many studies in which are shown that Vitamin D has many health benefits and this vitamin works as a natural testosterone booster. This is a very important vitamin but nearly half of the US population is deficient in this vitamin and higher percentage has sub – optimal levels.

There was a 12 – month study in which was found that the supplementing with around 3.000 IU of Vitamin D3 per day can increase the testosterone levels by around 25%. In older people, calcium and Vitamin D also optimized testosterone levels which are reducing the risk of falling.  If you want to boost your testosterone levels and reap the other benefits of Vitamin D, then you should try to get regular exposure to sunlight or you should take around 3,000 IU of Vitamin D3 supplement on daily basis.

Eat protein, fat and carbs: It is very important to know what you eat because this can have a great impact on the testosterone and other hormone levels. This is a reason why should pay attention to your diet strategy and long – term calorie intake. The overeating or constant dieting can disrupt your testosterone levels.

When you eat enough protein, then it can help you to maintain healthy levels and it can aid in fat loss which is also associated with the testosterone. Also the carb intake plays a role in it. There are some studies in which are shown that the carbs can help to optimize testosterone levels during resistance training.

In many studies are said that sufficient healthy fats are very beneficial for health and testosterone. The diet which is based mainly on whole foods is best, with a healthy balance of carbs, protein and fat. This will optimize both long – term health and hormone levels.

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