Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Home Remedies And Natural Cures For Atrial Fibrillation

This is a heart condition which is causing the heart to beat in irregular and in some cases rapid rhythm which can result in poor circulation and other cardiovascular problems. There are many people who are unaware that they have atrial fibrillation because they do not feel symptoms at all. But also there are other people who experience symptoms which in some period can be pretty scary, including fluttering in the chest, a pounding heart or even a feeling that their heart is going to explode.

There are some studies in which are shown that atrial fibrillation is more common in women compared with men.  It is usually affecting people who are between ages of 45 – 60 and this is increasing the risk for coronary heart disease. There are some studies in which are said that more than 200,000 cases in United States of America are reported with this condition while worldwide there are 33 million people affected with atrial fibrillation.

This condition is considered as chronic health problem because its symptoms can last for many years or in some people can be during their entire life. Atrial fibrillation is usually treatable with a good outcome. Talk with your doctor if you suffer from atrial fibrillation before you start using some of the below mentioned home remedies. He or she will tell you if they are suitable for you and also it will give you the correct dosage.

Home remedies for atrial fibrillation
Eat an anti – inflammatory diet: There are some studies in which are said that one of the leading contributors of heart problems and heart disease is the inflammation and this leads to free radial damage. Obesity can also increase the risk for atrial fibrillation and heart problems. This is a reason why it is very important to eat a low – processed and balanced diet.

Here are some foods which promote inflammation and this is a reason why you should avoid them:

High – sodium foods (many packed foods and fast foods)
Pasteurized, conventional dairy products
Trans fats
Added sugars
Conventional, factory – farm meat
Refined carbohydrates and processed snacks that contain them
Refined vegetable oils (like corn, safflower and soybean oils)
Also when people suffer from atrial fibrillation, then high amounts of alcohol and caffeine can worsen this problem. It is known that the venerability varies from person to person which depends on how severe is the atrial fibrillation but there are some studies in which is said that the binge drinking (when you have 5 drinks in 2 hours for men or 4 drinks for women) is increasing your risk for atrial fibrillation as does drinking caffeine, particularly if you overdose your diet with caffeine.
There are some people who are taking cold and cough medicines which have stimulants, such as promethazine – codeine cough syrup or dextromorphan so this is a reason why you need to talk with your doctor before you start taking some kind of medicine.

There are some people who are more sensitive to additives and medications than others. If the person who is affected with atrial fibrillation notices that eating a certain food or drink is increasing the incidence of irregular heart rhythms, then he or she should talk with the doctor as soon as possible. These foods also can increase diabetes, autoimmune disorders like leaky gut syndrome, thyroid disorders and gastrointestinal disorders and all of them are associated with an increased risk for atrial fibrillation. The healthiest diet which you should follow is to eat nutrient – dense and anti – inflammatory foods which can help to prevent heart complications. Most of these foods are included in the Mediterranean diet and this is one of the most popular and effective anti – inflammatory diets. It can help to reduce the symptoms of different cardiovascular diseases and lower triglycerides, blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Here are some anti inflammatory foods which you should consume:

Heart – healthy fats: extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, wild – caught fish, avocados, seeds and nuts
Clean, lean proteins: pasture – raised poultry, grass – fed beef, cage – free eggs, and raw, unpasteurized dairy products
Soaked/sprouted legumes and beans
Red wine and coffee should be consumed in moderation, but we do not recommend you if you suffer from atrial fibrillation so talk with your doctor.
Traditional teas: white tea, oolong tea or green tea
Herbs and species: especially anti – inflammatories like thyme, rosemary, ginger, curry powder, cinnamon, chili peppers, basil, raw garlic and turmeric (curcumin)
Fruit: all kinds, especially citrus fruits and berries
Fiber – rich and antioxidant – rich vegetables: onions, artichokes, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, beets and leafy greens

Exercise: Exercise is one of the best ways which can help you to fight against stress. It can improve your heart health. There was one study in 2013 in which was said that the short – term and ongoing exercise training of low, moderate or vigorous intensity in adults who suffer from permanent atrial fibrillation, significantly improved the quality of their life, muscular strength and power, functional capacity and heartbeat control. There are some studies in which are said that athletes who have atrial fibrillation, their condition can be triggered by a rapid heart rat which is called supraventicular tachycardia so this is a reason why you should always talk with your doctor if you have noticed changing symptoms when exercising. Also you should talk with your doctor about the safe way to implement regular exercise which can help you to enjoy and stick with, including low – impact exercises like brisk walking to lose weight, cycling or swimming.

Manage high blood pressure: You should go to constant check up to your doctor because in this way you will know if your high blood pressure is normal.

Yoga: This is a practice of body postures, meditation and deep breathing. There was one study in which was said that the regular yoga practice for one hour, three days a week can reduce the amount of atrial fibrillation episodes. It is not known the exact way in which the yoga can reduce the incidence of atrial fibrillation but doctors are saying that yoga can reduce the inflammation and stress which can damage the heart as well as to reduce the person’s resting heart rate.

You should avoid eating more than 4 servings of “dark” fish per week: There was one study in which was said that if someone is eating more than four servings of dark fish, such as sardines, mackerel, bluefish, swordfish and salmon, can increase the risk of atrial fibrillation.

Acupuncture: This is a traditional Chinese medical approach which can help people who suffer from atrial fibrillation to control their heart rate. This type of medicinal approach is including applying small needles to specific points on the body to promote the energy flow. This is linked with controlling heart rhythm problems but there should be done a lot more studies in the future.

Lower stress: It is known fact that the stress leads to atrial fibrillation and inflammation and other forms of chronic disorders such as heart disease. There was one study in 2010 in which was said that people who are diagnosed with atrial fibrillation experience more psychological distress on average than normal people. It is found that psychological distress in forms of depression and anxiety in people, who suffer from coronary artery disease or heart failure, can increase their risk for complications and mortality. Also the intense stress and anger can make the heart rhythm problems to worsen. Rest, relaxation and sleep are very important for healing atrial fibrillation because they can help to balance hormones and to control the release of cortisol which can impair the normal heart and immune functions when present in abnormally high amounts. Also the sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea and mood – related disorders are worsened by the cortisol because they are tied to heightened risk for atrial fibrillation. There are many simple ways in which you can lower your stress such as using essential oils (like helichrysum, ginger, frankincense and lemon), spending time with family and pets, doing something creative, journaling, practicing healing prayer and/or meditating, getting proper sleep, quitting smoking, alcohol and caffeine.

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